Contact me at @mysteryzones on Twitter or @mezzoloth on Tumblr for more information!

Mezzoloth's Commission Info + Terms of Service

By commissioning me (Mez!), you agree to the terms outlined in my TOS:- Payment is upfront through a Paypal Invoice, VGen, Ko-Fi, or CashApp.
- If an order is not completed, a full or partial refund will be offered in proportion to how much of the commission was completed.
- I do not offer refunds upon a work's completion.
- Visual references are extremely appreciated! I do not, however, accept references generated using AI.
- Asking for WIPs is okay! I love to provide them. Please communicate if you want something changed.
- Asking for edits before the work's completion is okay! I offer two free edits before charging $5-8 for subsequent edits (after the work's completion).
- I have the right to refuse any request.
- Clients are not allowed, under any circumstances whatsoever, to use their commissioned artwork for commercial purposes (such as logos, mascot characters, adoptables, etcetera). If you would like to commission me for commercial work, you must let me know when you contact me. Otherwise, use of commissioned work for commercial means is prohibited.
- Clients may not under any circumstance use my art (commissioned/adopted/otherwise) to train/generate images using AI. If I find you doing this, you will be banned from commissioning me further and blacklisted.
- Clients are not allowed, under any circumstances whatsoever, to use any part of their commissioned artwork for blockchain, cryptocurrency, or nonfungible tokens. Same consequence as prior term.
- Any questions? Feel free to contact me!

Commission Queue

- 1. Cat
- 2. Sam
- 3. Wyvern
- 4. Aurora
- 5. Leokore
Waiting List.- W1.
- W2.
- W3.